Dean of Academic Division
Dr. Darrel Hilbrands Vander Tuig
BSc, MEd, MDiv, PhD

Dean Hilbrands Vander Tuig, B.S., M.Ed., M.Div., Ph.D., is an outstanding Missionary Teacher, Pastor, Professor of Theology and Director of Pan de Vida, a rescue operation with a national outreach to children who have been abused and abandoned.
Professor Hilbrands’ missionary labors have taken him far and wide: from teaching, as a professor of theology, in the state of Guerrero in Mexico to the state of Texas in the US; from giving conferences in Mexico to Central America and India; he has also directed orphanages from the border in California to the central states of Mexico, and he is currently a Full Professor at Edinburg Theological Seminary, where he has earned the Outstanding Faculty Award of 2007.
The Lord prepared his way for a ministry of teaching and church missions, by bringing him through a lengthy and impressive course of studies in education and theology that successively led him to Springfield College, MA; Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA and the Church of God School of Theology, Cleveland, TN. His doctoral studies in Educational Administration at Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, and in Philosophy and Spanish Literature, 1987-1989, at the Universidad Iberoamericana, México, D.F., concluded with his widely-read dissertation from Universidad de Juan Calvino, México, D.F., entitled La EKKLESIA Institucional Temporal: una Perspectiva Histórica.
Dr. Hilbrands has written “The Task of Redeeming the Educational Process in Mexico”, in Christian Higher Education in the Global Context, Nick Latinga, ed. Sioux Center, IA: Dordt College Press, 2008, and, to be published, Nuestra Iglesia Institucional Temporal: una Perspectiva Histórica. Querétaro, Méx.: Editorial ILMES, 2010; he has also been largely responsible, in part or in whole, for the translation and publication in Spanish of the following literary works: El Arte de Enseñar Cristianamente: un Viaje en el Aula, by John VanDyk, Sioux Center, IA: Dordt College Press, 2005. A translation of The Craft of Christian Teaching: A Classroom Journey, Dordt College Press, 2000; La Creación Recuperada, by Albert Wolters and Micheal Goheen. Sioux Center, IA: Dordt College Press, with Victor Morales, 2005. A translation of Creation Regained, second ed., Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdman’s Pub.: 2005; La Biblia y la Educación, by David Smith and John Shortt. Mexico, D.F.: El Faro, 2009. A translation of The Bible and the Task of Teaching, Nottingham, UK: The Stapleford Centre, 2002 and, to be published, La Verdad y la Autoridad en la Modernidad, by Leslie Newbigin. A translation of Truth and Authority in Modernity, Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1996.
In addition to all of the above, Dr. Hilbrands is the founder and first Rector of ILMES (Instituto Libre Mexicano de Estudios Superiores), a graduate educational research and teaching institution in Mexico; is a founder of Pan de Vida, one of the largest state-recognized orphanages south of our border; was a principal figure in the early part of this decade when our institution was re-established on a new basis and given a new name, Edinburg Theological Seminary, and is a founding member of AMECES and its first Vice President.
Contact email: secretary.ets@gmail.com